5 Places to Celebrate Diwali in Rajasthan in Hindi

Diwali in Rajasthan

छत से लटकाए गए लघु रोशनी के मोतियों वाली दुकानें; तेल से भरे मिट्टी के घरों वाले घर, दीप प्रज्जवलित, लौ कभी इतनी चंचल और अभी तक उनमें से सौ से अधिक एक घर को रोशन करने के लिए पर्याप्त है; फूलों की पंखुड़ियों की स्वादिष्ट खुशबू हर जगह फैली हुई है और सुगंधित अगरबत्तियों का पवित्र धुआं चारों ओर प्रदूषण से राहत प्रदान करता है; दीपावली के महान भारतीय त्योहार, जिसे दीपावली के रूप में भी जाना जाता है, पूरे राजस्थान में पूरे भारत में उत्साह और भक्ति के साथ मनाया जाता है।

शहरों में, राजस्थान में दिवाली 5 दिनों तक मनाई जाती है, जो धनतेरस के त्योहार से शुरू होती है, उसके बाद चोटी दिवाली, बादी दीवाली (मुख्य त्योहार), पड़वा, और भाईदुज। राजस्थान के प्रत्येक शहर में एक अद्वितीय मेहराब है और यद्यपि रंग, रोशनी और उत्सव का अंतर्निहित विषय दीवाली के लिए आवर्तक है, इनमें से प्रत्येक का त्योहार को व्यक्तिगत स्पर्श देने का अपना अलग तरीका है।

Diwali in Jaisalmer

दिवाली के दौरान जैसलमेर में होना इंद्रियों के लिए एक इलाज है। यह हमेशा एक रंगीन, जादुई जगह है। लेकिन अगर आप दीवाली के दौरान इसे देखने के लिए पर्याप्त भाग्यशाली हैं, तो आप इसे बेहतरीन तरीके से देखेंगे। गोल्डन सिटी में मिट्टी के दीये, कृत्रिम रोशनी, अलाव, फूल और मिठाई की रोशनी में झिलमिलाता है। शाम का मुख्य आकर्षण शहर की तंग गलियों से होते हुए दिवाली परेड है। नृत्य, संगीत, ऊंट और कंफ़ेद्दी के इस तमाशे में वहां मौजूद हर व्यक्ति हिस्सा लेता है। आप सभी देखते हैं कि चमकीले रंग के कपड़े में लोग जश्न मना रहे हैं। जैसलमेर की दिवाली देखने के लिए फेमस कैब सर्विस JCR CAB से जैसलमेर में Taxi Service in Jaisalmer बुक करे और दिवाली का लुप्त उठाये यात्रा करके। 

Diwali in Jaipur

राजस्थानी राजधानी जयपुर में दिवाली बहुत धूमधाम और शो के साथ मनाई जाती है। न केवल घरों या इमारतों को रोशनी से सजाया जाता है; बाजार भी चरमरा रहे हैं। शहर का चारदीवारी वाला हिस्सा अंत से अंत तक रोशनी से ढका हुआ है। बापू बाजार और जौहरी बाजार जैसे जगमगाते बाजार ठीक-ठाक दिखने वाले हस्तशिल्प और गहनों से भरे हैं, और खुशहाल ग्राहकों से भरी सड़कें त्योहार के लिए जितनी चाहें उतनी खरीदारी करने के लिए उत्सुक हैं। हर साल, जयपुर में सबसे शानदार ढंग से सजाए गए और सबसे अच्छे ढंग से सजाए गए बाजार के लिए एक प्रतियोगिता होती है और सरकार बिजली बिल का भुगतान करती है। जयपुर की दिवाली देखने के लिए फेमस कैब सर्विस JCR CAB से जयपुर में Taxi in Jaipur बुक करे और दिवाली का लुप्त उठाये यात्रा करके। 

Diwali in Jaipur Street

पुष्कर के पवित्र शहर में त्योहार के दौरान भारी भीड़ नहीं होती है। यह एक सुकून और धीमी गति वाले शहर के रूप में गर्व करता है और दीवाली के दौरान अपने आचरण में बहुत बदलाव नहीं करता है। सड़कों और घरों को सजाया गया है, लेकिन मुख्य आकर्षण पुष्कर झील है जो कि परिधि पर दीया (मिट्टी के दीपक) के साथ जलाया जाता है। जबकि यह शहर दीवाली के लिए जलाया जाता है, यह सबसे बड़ा, सदियों पुराना त्योहार है, जो पुष्कर ऊंट मेले के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। मेला 5-दिवसीय उत्सव के दौरान 50,000 से अधिक आगंतुकों को देखता है। मेले का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा, मवेशी व्यापार, पहले तीन दिनों में होता है और बाद के दिनों में आम शो, लोक नृत्य और ऊंट दौड़ केंद्र स्तर पर होती है।

इसे शाही तरीके से दिवाली मनाने के लिए उदयपुर के नागरिकों के लिए छोड़ दें; वे कभी निराश नहीं होंगे। झीलों का शहर हर घर, हर घर पर रोशनी से भर गया है। उदयपुर का सिटी पैलेस एक शानदार एडिफ़ाइस है जो दीवाली पर, बाकी हिस्सों से बाहर खड़ा है।

Diwali in Udiapur

दूसरी ओर, राजस्थान के गाँव एक सरल दिवाली मनाते हैं। संपन्न परिवार राजस्थान, दाल, बाटी, चोइरा के हस्ताक्षर पकवान तैयार करते हैं। गाँवों में किसान सादे चावल बनाते हैं जो चूर्ण के साथ खाया जाता है। इस दिन लोग नए कपड़े पहनते हैं- कुर्ते और धोती में पुरुष और लहंगे में महिलाएं। दिन का मुख्य आकर्षण तब होता है जब हर कोई शाम को इकट्ठा होता है, कुछ मिट्टी के दीपक के साथ अपने घर को रोशन करता है; उनकी मनपसंद प्रार्थनाएं, और परिवार के खाने के लिए एक साथ बैठते हैं। सुनाई गई कहानियाँ, हँसी निकलती है और साझा किया जाने वाला भोजन दिवाली है जो इन विनम्र प्राणियों के बारे में है। जोधपुर की दिवाली देखने के लिए फेमस कैब सर्विस JCR CAB से जोधपुर  में Car Rental in Jodhpur बुक करे और दिवाली का लुप्त उठाये यात्रा करके। 

Diwali in Jodhpur

Top Places To Visit In Rajasthan In Winters in Hindi

कहीं भी सर्दियाँ बहुत सर्द हो सकती हैं और आम तौर पर लोग इस मौसम में दौरा नहीं करना पसंद करते हैं, लेकिन राजस्थान एक ऐसी जगह है जहाँ सर्दियों के दौरान सबसे अच्छा दौरा किया जा सकता है और इसका आनंद लिया जा सकता है। राजस्थान सर्दियों के मौसम में पर्यटकों के लिए एक जगह है

हालाँकि, आपको अपने कंबल के नीचे घर के अंदर रहने की ज़रूरत नहीं है, इसके बजाय, आप यह देख सकते हैं कि सर्दियों के मौसम के दौरान राजस्थान राज्य को अपने पर्यटकों के लिए विशेष रूप से क्या पेशकश मिली है। राजस्थान उन खूबसूरत जगहों में से एक है जो पर्यटन के लिहाज से बहुत कुछ पेश करता है। राजस्थानी व्यंजनों से लेकर राजस्थानी के हथकरघा तक, इस राज्य में सब कुछ उल्लेखनीय है। राजस्थान शाही राज्य है, और निर्विवाद रूप से, भारत के सबसे जादुई पर्यटन स्थानों में से एक है

जैसलमेर ( Jaisalmer )

Jaisalmer in winter

चूंकि आप थार के प्रवेश द्वार पर हैं, आप सिर्फ रेत के टीलों के माध्यम से ऊंट सफारी को मिस नहीं कर सकते। जैसलमेर का किला अपनी रेत से रंगी दीवारों और एक पुराने संग्रहालय के साथ शहर को ताज पहनाता है, जो राजघराने की कहानियां बताता है। धनी व्यापारियों द्वारा निर्मित सुंदर हवेलियों के साथ शहर भी समृद्ध है। इन हवेलियों में सबसे प्रसिद्ध निश्चित रूप से पटवन-की-हवेली है, जो इसकी जटिल वास्तुकला के लिए एक परम-यात्रा है। जैसलमेर की यात्रा करें सर्दियों में JCR CAB के साथ बुक करे Car Rental in Jaisalmer

जयपुर ( Jaipur )

Jaipur In Winter

राजस्थान की राजधानी होने के नाते, और कई लोगों के लिए एक व्यावहारिक पलायन, जयपुर पर्यटकों द्वारा सबसे अधिक बार देखा जाने वाला शहर है। और जब आप यहां सभी खरीदारी और हवा महल के लिए हो सकते हैं, तो भव्य आमेर किले और शाही सिटी पैलेस को देखना न भूलें। यदि आप एक पाठक हैं, तो विशेष रूप से दिसंबर से जनवरी के बीच अपनी यात्रा की योजना बनाएं, क्योंकि यह अपने साथ बहुप्रतीक्षित जयपुर साहित्य उत्सव, जिसे जनवरी में आयोजित किया जा रहा है, इस वर्ष 21 से 25 तारीख तक आयोजित करता है। इसके अलावा, संगीत के विभिन्न प्रकारों के लिए त्योहार पर जाएँ।  जयपुर की यात्रा करें सर्दियों में JCR CAB के साथ बुक करे Taxi Service in Jaipur

उदयपुर ( Udaipur )

winter in Udaipur

यह सर्द सर्दियां, आपके हाथ में एक पेय और पिछोला झील के शांत पानी के नजारे, इसके दिल में लेक पैलेस लगाने के साथ। आप इस तस्वीर को सिर्फ उदयपुर (दिल्ली से 11 घंटे की ड्राइव) तक चला सकते हैं और आराम की जिंदगी में घूम सकते हैं। राजस्थान का यह झील शहर वास्तव में लुभावनी है, और हम यहां तक ​​कि शब्दों में नहीं डाल सकते हैं कि जगहें कितनी रोमांटिक हैं। दिन के दौरान, आप सिटी पैलेस को देख सकते हैं, यह छोटे मार्गों से भरा है जो भव्य आंगनों और बाड़ों पर खुलते हैं। उदयपुर की यात्रा करें सर्दियों में JCR CAB के साथ बुक करे Taxi in Udaipur

जोधपुर( Jodhpur )

Winter in Jodhpur

जोधपुर अपने शानदार किलों और महलों के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। शहर के किले और महल शहर में आकर्षण के प्रमुख स्रोत हैं। किलों की खोज आपको उस समय का एहसास कराती है जब राजपूत अपने चरम पर था। किले और किले की दीवारें उन लड़ाइयों की बात करती हैं जिन्हें उन्होंने देखा है। राजपूत युग की भव्यता को पूरी तरह से समझने के लिए इन ऐतिहासिक स्मारकों के साथ पर्याप्त समय बिताने की आवश्यकता है। जोधपुर के आसपास के कुछ प्रमुख आकर्षण मेहरानगढ़ किला, जसवंत थड़ा, उम्मेद भवन और उम्मेद उद्यान हैं। होटल में रात भर। जोधपुर की यात्रा करें सर्दियों में JCR CAB के साथ बुक करे Car Rental in Jodhpur

बीकानेर ( Bikaner ) 

Winter in Bikaner

बीकानेर, राजस्थान के उत्तरी भाग में स्थित है, यह शहर उच्च किलेबंदी से घिरा हुआ है जिसमें सात किलोमीटर लंबी दीवार है जो पुराने शहर को घेरती है और इसमें पांच प्रवेश द्वार हैं-जिनका निर्माण 18 वीं शताब्दी में हुआ था। और बीकानेर के पर्यटन स्थलों का भ्रमण, बीकानेर पर्यटकों के लिए कई आकर्षण प्रदान करता है, बेशक, विदेशी ऊंट सफारी। आप राजसी किलों की यात्रा कर सकते हैं या माता करणी मंदिर जा सकते हैं जहाँ चूहों को पवित्र और पूजा जाता है। जनवरी के महीने में आयोजित होने वाला ऊंट उत्सव भी एक साक्षी के रूप में देखा जाने वाला कार्यक्रम है। जैसलमेर की यात्रा करें सर्दियों में jcrcab के साथ बुक करे Cab Service in Bikaner

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Secret of Kuldhara | The reality of Kuldhara village. India's most fearsome place

Secret of Kuldhara

You must have heard the name of Kuldhara, the most mysterious village in India where we have grown up reading and reading ghostly stories, and the village inside which still haunts people. We are going to tell you the story of a village where souls are felt even today. What is the secret of Kuldhara? Why is Kuldhara a cursed village of India? After all what happened in Kuldhara that the village was emptied in the night and since which the ghosts have settled in the village? Today we are going to introduce you to such stories and secrets of Kuldhara village.

The government tried many times that this village is settled again, but the government's efforts have also failed. It is said that Kuldhara village is such a village that the people living in this village are completely ruined. Even today, if a rich person starts living here, he is ruined. Come, let us tell you all the stories of the secret of Kuldhara village today-

Why did Kuldhara village go empty? 

Kuldhara village is located some 18 kilometers from Jaisalmer. It is a small village, but the children of India must know about this mysterious village. In this village, it is absolutely forbidden for humans to visit at night. There is also a government board on which it is clearly written that after the sun sets, a human halt in this village is completely forbidden.

It is said that around 1291 9891, Paliwal Brahmins lived in this village. There were 600 houses of Paliwal Brahmins in the village. There were also 84 villages around Kuldhara where the Paliwal Brahmins lived. The Paliwal Brahmins of Kuldhara were very hardworking, even scientifically these people were very intelligent. The houses of the village of Kuldhara are still built in such a way that these villages remain cool from inside even in summer. At the same time, some of this method also gets found here, which goes to Pakistan and Afghanistan, but it is said that now it has been stopped.

In such a situation, the question arises that when this village belonged to Paliwal Brahmins and was living here, then why this village is called a ghostly village today. The story behind this is well known that once the Paliwal Brahmins got the evil eye of the Dewan Salam Singh. Salam Singh had liked a girl and wanted to get that girl in every effort. The Paliwal Brahmins did not want Salam Singh to marry his daughter or force them. On the same night, he left home from here to save his daughter. This village of Kuldhara was completely emptied in a single night. Paliwal went to the curse of never settling in this village and that is why this curse seems to be going on till today. Choose a vehicle & book a Taxi Service in Jaisalmer for go to Kuldhra village an affordable price.

Kuldhara village was the village of Buddhist Brahmins. 

This village of Kuldhara was the village of Paliwal Brahmins. Let me tell you that when you get the history of Paliwalo, you will know that this Brahmin was quite an intellectual. He used to do his work above the scientific base. Kuldhara village has also been built on the basis of much more scientific facts. There is never a shortage of water and greenery here. Let me tell you that even today there is no shortage of water in this village, there is enough water under the earth. The plan to store water was already implemented in his village.

When the Paliwal Brahmins left this village, some Brahmins remained Brahmins and some of them also joined Rajputs. The people who had to take revenge from the Diwan became Rajputs and those who wanted to keep themselves Brahmins have been seen settling in states around Rajasthan and Delhi. Even today, there are some people in Rajasthan who are Rajputs.

Why is it not forbidden to go to Kuldhara village at night?

It is said that staying at night in the village of Kuldhara is not free from danger for humans. Many types of activities have been recorded here, which proves that there is a rule of souls here. Of course, if we say such things in today's time, this superstition will be uttered, but after the way, the videos have been recorded here and the manner in which the movements have been recorded, then after that everyone can be believed that there would definitely be spirits Is and in the village of Kuldhara, this type of things can be seen and felt even today.

This village of Kuldhara remained empty for years and it is said that the spirits of ancestors of Paliwal Brahmins are living here. When the Paliwal Brahmins were leaving their village, they cursed this village that this village would never be settled again and they had invited the spirits of their ancestors to live here. This is the reason that even today, things of this way are felt in the village, at night, foot or hand marks are made on the vehicles parked here, many times blood stains are seen on the trains. Different types of sounds are felt in the homes of this village on the nights.

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Bhangarh Fort - India's most haunted and scary place

Come Inside Golden Fort in Jaisalmer

Bhooti Pond of Kuldhara village

There is also a pond inside Kuldhara village and this pond is said to be the most haunting. The person who visits here starts coming to mind such things as suicide. Many times it has been felt near this pond that the powers of other world are living here and they see the man in his bus, going here is not empty of danger.

What is the secret of Kuldhara village? 

It is very difficult to tell the secret of Kuldhara village, but science says that this village is made of some such Vastu Shastra that the amount of water under its ground has increased and things like Kai started growing here years ago due to which But it became difficult to live and the Paliwal Brahmins left the village.

It is said that Paliwal Brahmins had a lot of gold stored here. There were many battles over this gold too and later stories of this manner were spread here that ghosts and spirits live here so that people from the outside world would not come in search of more treasures.

There is also the secret of Kuldhara village that the powers of this method were felt here many times, whose spirit and ghost give the name of the ghost. Ongoing here really, one feels that this village is definitely quite different from the outside world. In Kuldhara village, the stories of many babas are famous, it is said that here comes a milk sharing baba whose milk should never be taken at night. So someone says that there is a sound like Payal and shout here at night, but to date, no one has been able to know the truth behind Kuldhara village.

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5 Indian Holidays That Will Fit Your Budget

Here is a list of the top 5 holiday packages in India, which may be right within your budget.



Common to all, unknown to anyone, this place occupies a prominent place in everyone's favorite India travel packing list. Staying under the hut, scout through historical monuments, stroll in local markets; From quiet beaches to nightlife, Goa sits perfectly among its travelers.

  • Budget Tips For An Ideal Trip 
  • Travel time: 2 nights and 3 days
  • Tour type: Train - (From: Mumbai to Madgaon; Return fare: starts at INR 450)
  • Accommodation: INR 398 per night
  • Food: Enjoy food at affordable prices on the beach. Food for two people Rs 140-150
  • Vehicle Hire: Car rental can cost from Rs 700 per day; For bike rental, the price ranges between Rs 250 to Rs 800, depending on the model.



Another place on the holiday list of India, the beautiful Darjeeling is the 'Queen of the Hills'. Such as topped the favorite holiday destinations among domestic and international tourists. Take a stroll in the famous tea plantation of Darjeeling, walk-in lush green meadows, and enjoy a spectacular view of Kanchenjunga, the world's third-highest mountain. Believe it or not, there are many species of flora to explore in Darjeeling, and some incredible wildlife such as red panda, barking deer, and many different species can be seen.

  • Budget Tips For An Ideal Trip *
  • Travel time: 2 nights and 3 days
  • journey:
    • Bus - (starting from Kolkata to Siliguri fare: INR 490)
    • Bus - (Starting from Siliguri to Darjeeling fare: INR 260)
  • Accommodation: starts at Rs 540 per night for one person
  • Food: 200 rupees

Also Read:

10 Family Travel Destinations in India



Looking for a weekend trip? Lonavala, unsurprisingly, sits right on the list of India holidays. This hill station near Mumbai is engraved with magnificent sculptures with green valleys, caves, and ancient Buddhist temples. Although not far from the busy city life, however, Lonavla has somehow retained its place as a place to reach early and as a place of peace.

  • Budget Tips For An Ideal Trip *
  • Travel time: 2 nights and 3 days
  • Travel: Train (The fare from Mumbai to Lonavla is: INR 130)
  • Accommodation: A person's stay can cost you more than Rs 1210 per night.
  • Food: About 150 rupees



It is also known as Alappuzha. The city is well known for its holiday destinations in India. For its houseboats, it is famous for the backwaters of Kerala, Kerala, with canals and lagoons. Alleppey, the oldest planned city of Kerala, is known as the Venetian capital. If you want to take a leisurely stroll, walking through the backwaters in houseboats, Alleppey is a definite place on your India tour list.

  • Budget Tips For An Ideal Trip 
  • Travel time: 2 nights and 3 days
  • Travel: Train (fare from Cochin to Alleppey: starts at INR 100)
  • Accommodation: Price starts at Rs 400 for a person
  • Meals: Meals for two people range from about 600 rupees.



You may find it hard to believe, but the Pink City of India offers various options for affordable housing. When you are adding another experiential space to your Indian holiday list, you can see a lot to experience the intricate architecture and grand forts. Do not forget to bring various souvenirs to come back and remember this place. Choose a vehicle & book a Cab Service in Jaipur for an affordable price.

  • Budget Tips For An Ideal Trip *
  • Travel time: 2 nights and 3 days
  • Travel: Train (Starting from Delhi to Jaipur: INR 240)
  • Housing: cost of living better than Rs 400
  • Food: It will cost INR 250 for about two people.

More Tour:

Holiday Tour in Jodhpur - Book Taxi in Jodhpur

Holiday Tour in Jaisalmer -  Book Taxi Service in Jaisalmer

Are any of the above places on your holiday list? Then what are you waiting for? There are many travel agents in India who can guide you to visit these places which are within your budget. Start packing now, and head out for some exciting budget holidays in India!

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10 Travel Destinations in India Where You Can Travel on Family Vacation

Best place for a family vacation in India

1. New Delhi:

New Delhi

With numerous museums, amusement parks, innumerable monuments, panoramic gardens, and unlimited scope for entertainment, New Delhi is definitely above all when we talk about the top destinations for a family vacation in India.

  • Shop at Dilli Haat for the best handicrafts, and eat different food from different Indian states there.
  • Look at the National Rail Museum, which is filled with historical exhibits.
  • Visit Lodhi Gardens with family and explore historical sites.

2. Rajasthan:


With its glorious princely past, rich cultural heritage, and powerful forts and palaces, Rajasthan is a must-visit destination for family vacations in India. Each city of Rajasthan has its own unique beauty of its forts and palaces and elegant Havelis. Choose a vehicle & book a Cab Service in Rajasthan for an affordable price.

  • Take your children for amazing camel safaris in the sand dunes near Jodhpur and Jaisalmer.
  • Wildlife Safari in Ranthambore should be on your list. Stay overnight at camp for a wonderful experience
  • Experience bliss after visiting holy cities like Pushkar and Ajmer.

JCR CAB Offers

Also Read:

3. Shimla:


Formerly 'Summer Capital of the British', Shimla is ideal for traveling with children and family. It is a good and economical place for Indian family holidays for interesting activities.

  • Mall Road in Shimla has a good market for local handicrafts, wool, jams, and Tibetan goods.
  • Make ice murtis with your family and visit Kufri's fair and join various ice khels.
  • Take your family for a toy train ride.

4. Goa:


If you want to enjoy a beach holiday, Goa is the best place for this. This small Indian state is world-famous for its frilled palm trees and water sports. The attraction of sun, sand, and the sea will never disappoint you in the temptation to roam.

  • Experience fresh seafood on the beaches.
  • Travel to the serene beaches of South Goa, such as Colva and Palolem.
  • Join exciting water sports like water skiing, sailing, parasailing, etc.

5. Mussoorie:


The famous Mussoorie, Uttarakhand hill station is very popular among families for holidaying in India. It has beautiful scenery, food, shopping and plenty of entertainment options for families.

  • Travel to Gun Hill which offers attractive views of the snow-capped Himalayas.
  • Shop for spices and local handicrafts at the main market.
  • A trip to the beautiful Kempty Falls should be on your list of places to visit.

6. Aurangabad:


This small town in Maharashtra is a treasure house of history for a family vacation and is one of the best places in India. The city is full of grandeur and beauty. Normally Sardia is the best time to visit Aurangabad as the weather is cool and perfect for sightseeing.

  • Take your family to see the historical and beautiful Ajanta Ellora caves.
  • Always wanted to see the Taj Mahal but could not travel? Bibi Ka Maqbara to see in Aurangabad, the Taj Mahal should be at your travel destinations.
  • Plan a wildlife safari and explore wildlife in the nearby Guana Sanctuary.

7. Munnar:


We all know how beautiful Munnar is, so it makes perfect sense to visit this place with family. It is a good place to visit Munnar with children as this place has been allowed to spend time in the lap of nature, aside from the busyness of urban life.

  • Camp here, climb, and you'll be rested with these moments that you're enjoying your life.
  • Visit the tea gardens and the tea museum.
  • You can see waterfalls on every corner during monsoon.

8. Amritsar:


Amritsar can be a great experience for families and one of the worthy places for a family vacation in India. There are some amazing attractions in the city that will make your trip with your family an unforgettable experience.

  • One of the best things to do in Amritsar with your family, go to the Wagah border and watch the retreat ceremony on the India-Pakistan border.
  • Visit Jallianwala Bagh, a symbol in the fight for Indian independence
  • Visit the Golden Temple and be enchanted by the beautiful beauty.

9. Varanasi:


Varanasi or Benaras is the oldest city in the world. Located on the banks of the holy Ganges, the city is a must-visit for a spectacular cultural experience. A symbol of spiritualism, philosophy, and mysticism for thousands of years, Varanasi hypnotizes the holidays with its magical spells.

  • For a real Banaras experience one must take a boat ride across the Ganges River.
  • Go to see Ramanagar Fort with your family and remember to display the royal palanquins with your family.
  • Shop for silk sarees, handicrafts, and the Banaras Emporium.

10. Hampi:


South India can be an enjoyable experience for your children. Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Hampi boasts of rich history and can be a great experience for a family vacation.

  • Traveling to various temple ruins can be a very interesting experience.
  • Check out the Daroji Sloth Bear Sanctuary to see the bear go bustling.
  • Locate some of the last remaining structures of the mighty kings and queens still standing at Hampi, including elephant stables and queen's bathing spaces.

Hope the list of major holiday destinations in India will provide you with inspiration to plan a holiday soon. See our best options for the India holidays.

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Osian Jodhpur


Osian Jodhpur

Osian is located 32 miles (about 51.2 km) northwest of Jodhpur city of Rajasthan. Beautiful works of architecture are found here from the 9th century to the 12th century AD. The temples of Shiva, Vishnu, Surya, Brahma, Ardhanarishwara, Harihar, Navagraha, Krishna, and Mahishmardini Devi, etc. are notable among the ancient temples.

other names

Local ancient records indicate that many of the names of the Osian were prevalent till the middle ages, which are 'Ukesh', 'Upkesh', 'Akesh' etc. Legend has it that in ancient times it was also called 'Melpurpattan' and 'Navneri'. The original place of the 'Oswal' Jains is the Osians.

Scenic Spots

A 'Mahamaru style' of temple architecture was developed in Rajasthan from the eighth to the tenth century. This style has given hundreds of beautiful temples and temples to the Jain and Vaishnava traditions. The Jain temples of Osian are also living proofs of this style. Osian has many other temples besides the main Jain temple of Lord Mahavira, notable among them are Lord Shiva, Vishnu, Surya, Brahma, Ardhanarishwara, Harihar, Navagraha, Dikpal, Shri Krishna, Pippalad Mata, and Sachia Mata. The architecture of these temples, the excavation of the stone, and the construction of the statue, each item is worth visiting. Hire a cab service in osian to go to the best tourist spots in osian.

Gupta Craft

There is a considerable influence of Gupta art and architecture on the art of Osian. Inside the village is a beautiful temple of Jain Tirthankara Mahavir, which was built by Vatsaraja (770-800 AD). It is located within the park. Its arch is very magnificent and the pillars have statues of Tirthankaras. This article is engraved in one place 'Samvat 1075 Ashadh Sudi 10 Adityavar Swatinakshatre' and a citation of Vikram Samvat 1013 is also carved on a rock, which shows that this temple was built during the time of Pratihara Naresh Vatsaraja and 1013 V. No. Its pavilion was built-in.

Another temple on the adjacent hill is seen surrounded by a huge perkote. It is related to 'Sachia Devi' or 'Sachikadevi' of inscriptions, which is a form of Mahishmardini Devi. It is also a Jain temple. An article on the statue 1234 v. No. It also has a clear connection with Jainism. During this period worship of this goddess was also prevalent elsewhere in the Jain sect of Rajasthan. A debate on this subject related to the city of Osian is mentioned in the Jain text 'Upkesh Gachha Pattavali'. There are many small and big temples near this temple. Outside the Sun Temple to its right are sculptures of Ardhanarishvara Shiva, Vanshvadak, and Govardhan Krishna idols on the roof of the assembly hall. This statue of Govardhan-Leela can be considered a unique work of Rajasthani art. Book taxi in osian to go to Gupta Craft.


There are many ancient temples on both sides of the road from Osian to Jodhpur. Among them, the statues of Trivikramupri Vishnu, Narsingh, and Harihar are particularly notable. There are also many idols related to Krishna-Leela. 

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Udaipur - The City of Lakes for a Royal Revival

Udaipur - The City of Lakes for a Royal Revival

Udaipur is a beautiful place, also known as the 'City of Lakes', and is famous for its magnificent forts, temples, beautiful lakes, palaces, museums, and wildlife sanctuaries. Maharana Udai Singh II founded this city in the year 1559. This place is a major tourist destination of India and is noted for its rich culture and tradition.

There are many beautiful lakes in Udaipur

Pichola Lake is a magnificent artificial lake, which was constructed in 1362 AD as a result of the construction of a dam to meet the consumption and irrigation needs of the natives of the region. Due to the beautiful environment of this place, Maharana Udai Singh decided to build the city of Udaipur on the banks of this lake. Fateh Sagar is also an artificial lake, which was developed in the year 1678 by Maharana Fateh Singh. Rajsamand Lake, Udayasagar Lake, and Jaisamand Lake are some of the other magnificent lakes in the region.

Related Post:

Top 5 Places to Visit in Udaipur - Tour Jodhpur

Other attractions of the city

There are many palaces and forts here which symbolize Rajputana glory. The City Palace is a magnificent monument which was built in the year 1559 by Maharaja Udai Mirza Singh. There are a total of 11 palaces on the premises of the main palace. Apart from this, Lake Palace is another popular place, which is appreciated for its artistic excellence.

The palace now serves as a 5-star hotel which is famous for its beautiful painted glass, pink stones, and rooms adorned with lotus leaves. The Sajjangarh Palace, located at an altitude of 944 meters above sea level, is another grand structure, also known as the 'Monsoon Palace'.

Maharana Sajjan Singh built this palace in the year 1884 to see the monsoon clouds from above. Apart from this, Bagore Ki Haveli and Fateh Prakash Palace are some other major structures of this place. Book a taxi in Udaipur to go to Fateh Sagar.

Udaipur has a lot to see

If time permits, travelers can visit various museums and galleries, where various important things of the bygone era are kept. The City Palace Museum depicts objects associated with royal families. Apart from this, you can also visit the Crystal Gallery, which is a part of Fateh Prakash Palace, there is a magnificent collection of Osler crystals.

Beautiful sofa sets, jeweled carpets, crystal dresses, fountains, and utensils are the main attractions of the gallery. Another famous archaeological museum is the Ahar Archaeological Museum, which actually has a collection of objects that were part of the life of the people of the ancient era.

There are many beautiful gardens and structures such as Saheli's Bari, Bada Mahal, Gulab Bagh, Maharana Pratap Memorial, Laxmi Chowk, and Dil Kushal. Raj Aangan, also known as Gol Mahal, is a major tourist destination in Udaipur, it was built by Maharana Udai Singh. Travelers can also visit the Shilp Gram, which is noted for its handicrafts.

Many more attractions such as Jag Mandir, Sukhedia Circle, Nehru Garden, Eklingji Temple, Rajiv Gandhi Park, Sas-Bahu Temple, and Shrinathji Temple are in this area.

Vehicle & Connectivity

Dabok, also known as Maharana Pratap Airport, is located 22 km from Udaipur. Major Indian cities are connected to this airport by regular flights. The city has a broad gauge railway station, which connects various cities in India. Travelers who want to travel by road can avail of taxi services to Udaipur from many cities of Rajasthan. Powered by JCR CAB.

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Desert Festival, Jaisalmer

Desert Festival, Jaisalmer

The Desert Festival is a famous tourist attraction of Jaisalmer, held in February in Sam Sand Dunes, 42 km from the city. Tourists can enjoy various cultural events, camel races, turban tying, and the best mustache competition. It is a three-day festival organized by Rajasthan Tourism Board.

It was initially launched with the objective of attracting more foreign tourists towards Rajasthan. Erotic performances of famous ger and fire dancers and camel rides can make the trip memorable. For the convenience of tourists at the festival site, the local administration provides facilities for medical vans, souvenir shops, and mobile money exchangers. Credit cards are also accepted everywhere. Hire a Taxi in Jaisalmer. Be prepared to go to the best Jaisalmer Desert Festival. Enjoy it.

Jcr cab & car rental jodhpur

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Kishangarh Fort, Kishangarh

Kishangarh Fort, Kishangarh

Kishangarh Fort is located in the Jaisalmer bulge and has a lot of historical importance. This fort falls between Madha, Ramgarh, and Tunot in Rajasthan. This fort has a special significance from the point of view of strategy. This fort is located on the sak linking India with Pakistan.

The fort came into the limelight when the Pakistani army, with the help of the local tribe Hur, captured it here and was later returned to India under the Tashkent Agreement.

It is said that this fort was built by the kings of the Rathore dynasty, which fully reflects Indian architecture. This fort is a major tourist attraction, tourists who definitely have an interest in history as well as archeology. Book a car rental in Jodhpur to go to Kishangarh Fort.

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Phool Mahal Palace, Kishangarh

Phool Mahal Palace, Kishangarh

Phool Mahal Palace was built in 1870 which is the royal palace of the Maharaja of Kishangarh. It is situated in the heart of the city and today it has been converted into a luxurious hotel. This hotel has all the state of the art facilities. The hotel rooms are decorated with beautiful antique paintings as well as British furniture has been used to make them even more beautiful. Tourists visiting here can make their trip even more memorable by eating the Indian, Western and Chinese cuisine served in the hotel.

The beautiful lawns and man-made lakes of this hotel add to the beauty of this place even more. Facilities like a library, jogging track, laundries are also provided to the tourists visiting the boutique hotel. Tourists coming to this hotel will also witness Rajasthani music, dance, Rajasthani art. For those tourists who want to come here and find peace, yoga workshops are also run here so that they can overcome their mental exhaustion. In view of all these things, tourists must come here. Book a cab service in jodhpur to go to Phool Mahal Palace.

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Rupnagar Fort, Kishangarh

Rupnagar Fort, Kishangarh

Rupnagar Fort was built in 1648 by Maharaja Roop Singh. Today this fort has been converted into a heritage hotel. It is said that this hotel is for those who have a good understanding of history.

This fort reflects the Rajasthani architecture and was also known as a strategic location for important Rajputana movements. Rajasthan's stones and marble were used to build this fort, which takes four moons in the beauty of this fort and fascinates the visiting tourists. Book a taxi in Jodhpur to go to Rupnagar fort.

This heritage hotel has all the basic facilities for visiting tourists, including song music, internet, and library. A morning walk has also been arranged for tourists coming here to get a taste of nature.

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