History of Achalnath Mandir Jodhpur - Tour Jodhpur

History of Achalnath Mandir

History of Achalnath Mandir - Do you know that there is a temple in the city which holds the most special place among other ancient temples. Which is an archaic symbol of faith and reverence of the people of the city. Although many temples, buildings, steps, gardens, etc. were built from time to time by many rulers of Marwar and their queens, this temple has a special significance. It is said that when the hard efforts of the Maharaja and the monks and monks could not control the Shivling of this temple, they got the name Achaleshwar Mahadev or Achalnath Mahadev.

500 years ago, the then Maharaja Rao Ganga and Queen Nankadevi had no children. Then he had constructed a stepwell near the Swayamprakat Shivling located in the present Katla Bazaar with the desire of procreation, which is today known as Ganga Baldi. Shortly after construction both of their wishes were completed. At that time, the temple of Shivalinga was devoid, so Queen Nanakdevi decided to get the temple constructed here. A magnificent temple was built with the stones of Chhatar. At that time, Shivalinga was seated on the site, so it was considered to be shifted to the higher place. But even after many attempts, Shivalinga could not be moved. Then Shivalaya was built at the same place following Mahadev's wish. Since then it has become famous as Achaleshwar Mahadev Temple.

There are a total of 17 Naga sadhus-mahants' samadhis in the temple, 7 of which are living samadhis. It is popular about them that they used to be very spiritual and Mahatma. The sixth Mahant Chainpuri was a contemporary of Maharaja Rao Ganga. From the insight he came to know that the Maharaja is only 20 years old, then he, along with his two other Mahanta friends, took 20-20 years out of his age from his Tapobal and included it in the Maharaja's age. This made the Maharaja thankful to the Mahant and gave him piety and entrusted the maintenance of the temple to the Mahants. Visit the most famous and old temple of Jodhpur with jcrcab, book a taxi in jodhpur, and increase the faith.

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In 1977, Nepali Baba renovated the temple and established another Shivling near the ancient yellow Shivling which he brought from Narmada which is called Narmadeshwar Shivling. Also, beautiful and attractive idols of Ram Lakshman Sita, Hanuman, Maa Parvati, Gajanan, etc. were installed in the temple. There is a lively statue of Nepali Baba sitting near the tomb of the temple. A 65-kg urn is installed on the 52-foot-high peak of the temple, on which about 17 tola gold layer is mounted. Presently, the income of the temple comes from donations made by devotees and the rent of 40 shops located outside the temple premises. From time to time, reconstruction and new construction works are also done in the temple.

This temple situated in the middle of the city is full of festivals and festivals, but even on normal days, there is a wave of devotees who keep on opening the temple till the closing of the temple at 11 am. Bhajan-Kirtan and other religious activities are also frequently performed in the temple by people from nearby areas.

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